October 7, 2022
Sneakers for Christmas
Through a generous donation we have the opportunity to provide sneakers for Christmas for McKinley Students if needed. If you would like your child to ...
October 4, 2022
McKinley Families,
October is one of PTA’s favorite months!
Our fundraiser is off to a good start! Thank you to all that have been selling. There is still plenty of tim...
October 3, 2022
Hello Families, McKinley Elementary will be offering weekend food packs (pictured below) to any family who would like one for your students. Please fill out the request form at ht...
September 28, 2022
It is time for Parent Teacher Conferences at McKinley Elementary. They will be held Wednesday, October 5th and Thursday, October 6th from 3:15-7:00 PM. Kindergarten/Preschool...
September 22, 2022
Vision screening will be on October 20, 2022. All students will be screened. If you do not want your student screened please come into the office and fill out the opt out form.
September 18, 2022
We are so excited to share the news that our gym is finally opening. We are so excited to open school through the front doors and welcome all of our students back into the gym. ...
September 16, 2022
Hello Families!
Start with Hello week is September 19-23. This program is created through the Sandy Hook Promise to help students, teachers, parents, and community leaders feel...
September 14, 2022
There is no school on Friday, September 16th. It is a Professional Development day for the teachers. See you on Monday!
September 13, 2022
Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14th we will be starting late start each Wednesday. We will start school at 9:40 AM, breakfast will start at 9:25 AM. School is out at 3:00 PM. K...
September 6, 2022
This is a reminder that due to excessive heat, 9/6 & 9/7 will be minimum days (school is out at 12:40). If you have any questions, please contact the office: 435-515-4141
September 5, 2022
Just a reminder that there is no school Monday, September 5th because of Labor Day.
August 30, 2022
There is no late start tomorrow (8/31) since we are doing early out this week.
August 26, 2022
McKinley Families, Please check your email for additional information about the 1st day of school on Monday regarding carpool and breakfast routines while our new floor is being...
August 24, 2022
Breakfast Monday: cereal bar Tuesday: donut Wednesday: poptart Thursday: granola bar Friday: zee bar Lunch Monday: PBJ's Tuesday: corn dog Wednesday: deli sandwich Thursday: chic...
August 5, 2022
McKinley Elementary Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 AM until 12:00 PM.
Thursday August 11th 6:00-7:30 PM
Monday August 8th CLOSED for Meetings
Our B...
August 2, 2022
Registration for Fall is now Open!! Click on the link and register online. Please bring into the school a proof of address (EVERYONE needs one every year) If you are in kindergart...
August 1, 2022
Remember to apply for free and reduced lunch for the 2022-2023 school year. This can be done on paper, or digitally. https://aspire.besd.net/Login.... Login: If you need help ...
July 28, 2022
We are hiring! Here is a link to the openings we have at McKinley. Take a look. We would love to have you join our McKinley family!!! https://www.besd.net/page/esp-jobs
July 28, 2022
Letter to McKinley Community
Dear McKinley Elementary School Community,
I hope this letter finds you enjoying the rejuvenating days of summer and that you and your childr...
March 30, 2022